Download Strider Proofread ROM Hack

Strider Proofread Game

Parameter Info

  • Console: NES
  • Original Game: Strider
  • Type: Improvement
  • Genre: Action > Platformer
  • Modifications: T
  • Creator: Mister Xiado
  • Date Created: 07/22/2018
  • Last Modified: 07/24/2018

Parameter Info

  • File Name: Strider
  • Downloads: 2
  • Requirements: No Special Requirements
  • Version: 1.0
  • Rating:

About Strider Proofread

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Strider ProofreadRead Me

ÿþ T%P%P%f%W% T%W%T%W% T%P%P%P%Q%Z%P%c%Z%f%P%l%l%]%`%P%f%P%W%P%P%P%W% Z%P%P%P%`%P%W%Q%T%c%T%c%Q%Q%Q%i%c%T%]%P%P%P%]% Z%P%P%i%]%Z%]%Z%i%P%i%P%i%]% Name: Strider Proofread (as in baked bread) Function: Improvement Author: Mister Xiado Version: 1.0 Date: 20180722 Tools used: XVI32 for effecting the changes, LunarIPS for extracting the IPS from the hacked ROM. This hack for Strider (NES) corrects the numerous spelling, grammatical, and punctuational errors that were present in many early NES titles. In addition to these changes, "Yugdesiral" has been corrected to "Yggdrasil", and a clarity edit has been made to late game dialogue. All existing save states will work with this hack, as no addresses in the ROM have been changed. This is not a "localization", and no memes or other easily-dated content have been added. How to use this hack: I recommend copying the original Strider ROM to a new location, or to a new filename in the same location, and using LunarIPS to bind the hack IPS file to the ROM. Thanks to: Christian Maas for making XVI32 Capcom of the past, for making this interesting version of Strider that adheres closely to the manga.

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