Baixar a Rom Hack do FF1: DoS - Vancian Magic System

FF1: DoS - Vancian Magic System Jogo

Parâmetro Informações

  • Console: GBA
  • Jogo Original: Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
  • Tipo: Improvement
  • Gênero: Role Playing
  • Modificações: T,GP,Other
  • Criador: Kea
  • Data da Criação: 05/29/2017
  • Última Modificação: 01/19/2019

Parâmetro Informações

  • Nome do arquivo: Vancian MP
  • Downloads: 1
  • Requisitos: No Special Requirements
  • Versão: 1.1.2
  • Avaliação:

Sobre o FF1: DoS - Vancian Magic System Hack

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Leia-me - FF1: DoS - Vancian Magic System

FINAL FANTASY I: DAWN OF SOULS Vancian Magic System Patch by Kea I. General Information This patch overhauls Final Fantasy 1's spell system to a Vancian system. Instead of having a single pool of Magic Points (MP) for all spells, characters possess eight successive pools of spell charges, one for each level of spell. All spells cost one charge from their corresponding spell level to cast. In short, the game will operate on a system very similar to that used by the original NES version. As part of the process of constructing this patch, many areas of the game have received minor modifications, and a few supporting systems have been introduced. For instance, when leveling up a character's spell charges will increase deterministically according to their class; items and spells that restore or modify MP have had their formulas changed (eg Faerie Tonics do nothing now); and various routines that display or otherwise handle MP have been rewritten for Vancian magic. Because one character's spell charge data takes up sixteen bytes instead of four, the Bestiary has been slightly downsized in order to make room: it will only count up to 99 kills per monster species, down from 999. This patch is intended for other hackers to use as a basis for making their own mods. While it is fully playable and functional by itself, no changes to game balance beyond the most cursory and essential have been made, being out of the scope of this project. It is up to the user to make those considerations. II. Files The core of this patch is "FF1a - Vancian MP System.bps", a .bps patch meant to be applied to an unmodified Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls ROM. It can be applied using Beat, Floating IPS or any other program that handles .bps patches. For those wishing to understand the inner workings of this patch such as changed or new data formats, formulas, and other things to keep in mind when working with this system, "Technical Information.txt" provides a summary of pertinent modifications and locations of new and changed data, code and text. In addition, the full source and notes of this project, containing an exhaustive accounting of all changes made, is located in the Source folder under the main directory. Compiling the .asm source files requires devkit Pro, but take note: not all of these files can be assembled! A few are disassemblies of changes made using a debugger and are included for reference only. Finally, the Addons folder contains additional .ips patches which can be applied after the main patch. These addons consist of changes which may be helpful or interesting, but are not required for the main patch. Further details on each individual patch can be found in their matching text files. III. Version History Version 1.1.2 -Fixed fatal bug wherein selecting an empty spell slot on a level you have charges for would softlock the game. Version 1.1.1 -Fixed bug regarding miscalculation of MP to restore from Ethers. Version 1.1 -Adjusted position of character names and sprites in pause menu so they didn't jut against "Lv. X". -Fixed bug wherein Ethers would softlock the game when used in the field. -Adjusted Red Mage's default MP was using wrong values before. Version 1.0 - May 22 2017 -Initial release. -Includes addon "Monster-cast Spells use Spell's GFX ID". IV. Contact I can be contacted on RHDH ( as Kea, or by email as rpgkea at Gmail.

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